The Art of Fugue Explored

A journey into Bach’s final work by pianist Filippo Gorini

Project sponsored by the Borletti-Buitoni Trust and Deutsche Telekom

The Art of Fugue is Johann Sebastian Bach’s mystical, unfinished masterpiece. The triumphs of intellect and craft, the symbols and layers of meaning hidden within this work’s conception are one with the moving singing that really is its heart. The view that it should be seen solely as a theoretical marvel is misguided: as the counterpoints and canons evolve in formal complexity, so does their emotional tension, until the heartbreaking mystery of the unfinished Fuga XIV.

Besides my playing, I have prepared a collection of material to further explore Bach’s poetic, not viewing it as a fixed monument of the past, but rather in vivid dialogue with contemporary culture. Listeners will find here a documentary series, featuring conversations with some of the greatest personalities of today, as well as an album, poems and a filmed performance.
